Commitment to the Highest Quality


Quality Standards Accreditation to the BS EN ISO 9001 quality standard and the BS EN ISO 14001 international standard for environmental management assures Officlean customers of its commitment to the highest quality and professionalism throughout its organisation and activities.

View our Quality Policy Statement here.

Equal Opportunities

Officlean are an Equal Opportunity employer which follows the principle of equal opportunity in regards to its hiring and promotion procedures. An equal opportunity employer is not allowed to discriminate based on items such as race or gender, and is required to give everyone an equal chance.

View our Equal Opportunities Statement here.

Environmental Policy

In co-operation with both customers and suppliers, Officlean recognises that its operations, both at Head Office and the activities of its personnel engaged on site, have the potential to impact on the natural and built environments and thereby to affect the quality of life for individuals working within the locality of Officlean activities.

In order to minimise the environmental impact of its activities, Officlean has implemented an Environmental Management System (EMS) in line with the International Standard for Environmental Management – BS EN ISO 14001. This embodies key commitments designed to ensure Head Office and Site staff manage all processes and activities to minimise or control significant impact on the environment.

View our Environmental Policy Statement here.

Health and Safety

Our Health and Safety policy is reviewed at least annually to ensure that we remain in line with current legislation and practices.

View our Health and Safety Statement here.

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