Environmental Policy

Officlean is a Commercial Cleaning Company founded in 1969 and based in the West Midlands.  We provide quality cleaning services to a diverse section of businesses.  Our trained operatives are issued with the latest cleaning materials and equipment, working to ensure customer satisfaction.

Working in conjunction with both customers and suppliers, Officlean recognise their activities both at Head Office and on site have the potential to impact on both natural and built environments.  Ultimately affecting the quality of life of individuals working within the locality of Officlean activities.

In order to minimise the environmental impact of Head Office and Site operations, Officlean Management Team have developed and implemented an Environmental Management System – (E.M.S.).

In line with the International Standard for Environmental Management – EN ISO 14001 Officlean Management Team have stated a number of key commitments to ensure both Head Office and Site staff manage all processes and activities to minimise or control significant impacts on the environment.

These include commitments:

  • To comply with relevant environmental legislation, regulations and any other relevant requirements.
  • To the maintenance and continual improvement of the EMS by regular internal audits.
  • To conserve and utilise resources in a sustainable manner, using recyclable and re-useable products, wherever possible.
  • To preventing pollution, particularly in the use of transport and disposal of waste.
  • To update and improve procedures in light of new knowledge and understanding.
  • To set and review annually, environmental Objectives and Targets in order to reflect changing conditions of the EMS Environmental Management Programme.
  • To communicate the company Environmental Policy to employees, contractors and relevant suppliers.
  • This Policy shall be displayed in prominent positions throughout the workplace and will be made available to members of the general public if required.

Andy Price
Managing Director

15th April 2024
Review date – April 2025

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