Health & Safety Policy

General Policy Statement

It is the firm policy of the Company to take all practicable steps to safeguard the Health, Safety and Welfare of all our employees and other persons arising from work activities.

The Company will provide adequate and proper facilities to safeguard the Health and Safety of all employees and will ensure that any work, which is undertaken, causes minimal risk to Health and Safety.

The Company undertake to provide such information, training and supervision as they need for the purpose.

It is important that all employees involve themselves in matters related to Health and Safety, reporting back to their supervisor conditions, working practices, tools and equipment, which appear dangerous or unsatisfactory, and to make suggestions for the improvements of facilities.

All company employees, visitors and sub-contractors will be required to abide by the Company safety procedures.

The policy will be kept up-to-date, and to ensure this, the policy and the way in which it operates will be reviewed annually.


Andy Price
Managing Director

15th April 2024
Review date – April 2025


The purpose of the ORGANISATION section is to show how the company is organised to deal with health and safety matters.

The Managing Director, has ultimate responsibility to the Board for all aspects of health, safety and welfare of all employees within the Company and also for the implementation of this Policy.

The Managing Director, who reports to the Chairman, is responsible for monitoring the effectiveness of this Policy and taking any necessary steps to ensure that its aims and objectives are being fully met.

We ensure that sufficient resources are available to enable the Policy and its objectives to be fulfilled and that their Managers make regular inspections to see that all safety procedures are being operated and safety regulations are effectively displayed and understood.

We will maintain interest and enthusiasm for safe working amongst all their subordinates and actively seek their co-operation and assist them in resolving problems referred to them.

The Health & Safety Consultant is available to the company’s senior management to give advice and guidance with regard to Health & Safety matters.

He will prepare and chair annual review of Health & Safety matters meetings.

The Managers (Operations, Area and Site) / Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that they are familiar with the aims of this Policy and for implementing it within their own spheres of control.

They will ensure that employees working under them receive sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision to enable them to carry out their tasks in a safe and healthy manner and that all work proceeds according to minimum legal requirements and the procedures set out in this Policy.

They will investigate all accidents involving personal injury and damage to plant and equipment, to determine the cause and take remedial action and will report any relevant matters to the Managing Director.

They will ensure that all employees are provided with the necessary personal protective equipment appropriate to their work and that this equipment is used.

They will maintain good housekeeping within their department or areas of control.

All Employees of the Company must take reasonable care regarding themselves and other persons who may be affected by their actions or omissions.

They will wear and use all appropriate personal protective equipment, which are provided by the management for their protection and will co-operate fully with management when the latter are pursuing their responsibilities.

They will observe all safety rules and regulations, both statutory and Company, will conform to any Safe Systems of Work which may be developed and will refrain from intentionally misusing or recklessly interfering with anything which has been provided for health and safety.

They will report all accidents, incidents, damage to plant and equipment, and any potentially dangerous situations or any perceived shortcomings in the Company’s health and safety arrangements, to their immediate supervisor.

They will ensure that they do not undertake any tasks for which authorisation and training has not been provided.


The purpose of the ARRANGEMENTS section is to show the way that the GENERAL POLICY STATEMENT is put into effect in practice. Together with the ORGANISATION it shows how everyone is involved in Risk Management.

Arrangement sections are:



All employees are required to recognise that the prevention of any fire is of primary importance and to this end, they shall observe any ‘No Smoking’ signs.

All high risk flammable liquids are stored in a proper manner in designated stores.

Electrical circuits are not overloaded and electrical wiring is not in a perished condition.

Employees working at customers’ premises are to familiarise with the Fire Precaution procedures that are in place at that particular site.

Fire Procedures are in existence as separate instructions at Head Office. They are to be observed in an emergency and all employees are required to acquaint themselves with these procedures.

Appropriate fire extinguishers are provided at required locations and identified by the Fire Risk Assessment, and are to be kept unobstructed and easily accessible. They are inspected regularly.


The Company recognises and will comply with its duties specified in the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR).

Employees are responsible for ensuring that any accident is reported to their line Manager or to Head Office.

The relevant Manager / Supervisor is responsible for carrying out an investigation of the accident, with the primary aim of identifying what action can be taken to prevent a recurrence. In addition, he / she is also responsible for ensuring that they inform the Managing Director. We will then ensure a check is made on whether a relevant General Risk Assessment has been completed and is therefore in need of amendment in light of the investigation.

Where an injury, dangerous occurrence, disease, etc. is statutorily required to be notified to the Health & Safety Executive, then this will be carried out by the Managing Director on the Company’s behalf in conjunction with the Health & Safety Consultant.


The Company recognises that training needs are likely to be greatest on recruitment. All new employees will therefore receive basic Induction Training on health and safety, particular attention being given to the needs of young workers.

Document 046, “Important Health & Safety Information For All Employees”, has been drawn up and its contents are brought to the attention of all new starters as part of the ‘Pre-Start’ / Induction Training procedure. A copy of this document is available as part of each site’s “Site File”.

The completion of this Induction Training is mandatory and the signing, by both the Employee and the Area Manager / Supervisor of DOC 015/050/026 (the ‘Starter Card’) attests that this training has been carried out.

Guidance to Management on the induction of new employees has been undertaken.


The Company recognises that training is an important way of achieving competence, helps to convert information into safe working practices, contributes to the Company’s health and safety culture and is needed at all levels.

As part of their induction, all new employees will be given basic health and safety information, instruction and training (see Arrangements Section 3).

The Company will use the results of its General Risk Assessments (see Arrangements Section 6) to help in determining the level of training needed for each type of work, as part of its preventive and protective measures. This will include basic skills training, specific on-the-job training, as well as training in health and safety or emergency procedures. Should the need be identified, Safe System of Work procedures will be compiled.

Managers and Supervisors are responsible for identifying the needs of training of those employees under their control. Training / Competency matrices are drawn up in this respect.

Records of all training will be maintained at Head Office.


Whilst the Company’s primary objective is to prevent all injuries, it realises that the prompt provision of appropriate first aid can make a difference to the welfare of the individual and the time taken for healing and recovery. As a consequence, it is also good economic sense to have good standards of first aid provision.

The Company is aware of and will comply with its duties under the Health & Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981. Trained First Aiders are available at Head Office, and employees working off site are made aware of local First Aid facilities.

In cases of serious injury, provision will be made for rapid telephone communications with the Emergency Services and for rapid transportation to the A&E department of the local hospital.


The Company recognises its duties to carry out General Risk Assessments as required by the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999.

The company employees 3 types of Risk Assessments – “High Risk”, “General and Site Specific”

The results of these and their continuing suitability, are addressed at the annual “Review of Health & Safety Matters” meetings.

Records of the completed General Risk Assessments will be kept at Head Office.


It is the policy of the Company to comply fully with the requirements of the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 2002.

Whilst it is appreciated that a primary duty of the Company is to avoid the need for employees to undertake any manual handling operations, so far as is reasonably practicable, it is recognised that the nature of the Company’s business does necessitate some such operations. The Company understands that it has a duty to undertake a suitable and sufficient assessment of all manual handling operations, taking into account the factors specified in Schedule 1 to the Regulations.

It is recognised that Manual Handling Operations have contributed significantly to National Accident Statistics. Sprain and strain injuries, particularly to the back, have been most common. It is our intention to do all that is reasonably practicable to avoid these consequences, on our own premises and on customers’ sites, in accordance with the above Regulations. Thus, the Kinetic System of lifting forms part of the Induction Training programme.

Employees are expected to exercise common sense and judgement. If a particular manual handling task seems likely to approach the limit of their own capabilities, then mechanical assistance or the assistance of colleagues is to be used.


The Company acknowledges and will comply with the requirements of the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations (Amendment) 2022 and the need for other Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) required to comply with other legislation, eg. COSHH.

The Managers and Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that the correct PPE needs have been identified, that the equipment is suitable for its purpose and that all employees including agency workers have been adequately informed, instructed and trained in its use, care and maintenance and where and how to obtain replacements.

All employees are responsible for ensuring that they wear, and look after, the PPE issued to them.


The Company acknowledges and will comply with its duties specified within the Health & Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 2002.

The above is addressed by the use of “Visual Display Screen User/Workstation Assessment Forms”.

Copies of completed Assessments will be maintained at Head Office.


The Company acknowledges and will comply with its duties under the current Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH).

The Company has arrangements for ensuring that ‘suitable and sufficient’ Assessments of the health risks to employees arising from the use of its cleaning chemicals are in place.

Manufacturers’/suppliers’ Material Safety Data Sheets are obtained for all substances used during the Company’s activities.  These are used by the Health & Safety Consultant, together with information on the circumstances of use, to complete an Assessment of the Health Risks to employees and others.  This will be completed on the Company’s COSHH Assessment recording format and completed copies maintained at Head Office and as required on site.

The Manager / Supervisor is responsible for ensuring that relevant employees are informed, instructed and trained in the health hazards of the substances to which they may be exposed and the precautionary Control Measures they should observe.


The Company recognises and will comply with its duties under The Electricity at Work Act 1989.

Senior Management will ensure that all fixed electrical installations are subjected to a thorough examination at least once in every period of 5 years and that portable electrical equipment is subjected to at least annual inspection/combined inspection and test, as appropriate. Thus, all electrical appliances (vacuum cleaners, polishing machines etc.) are checked for safety by the Company’s Engineer on the required frequency. However, before each use, all users must check that all cables are intact and secure in the appliance, that there are no exposed inner cables, that the outer cable is not split or frayed and that the plug is in good condition. Should there be any doubt as to the safety of the appliance, then it must not be used and it should be reported as soon as possible to the Area Manager or Head Office for inspection.


It is the Company’s policy that consumption of alcohol and use of drugs must not prejudice the Health and Safety of its employees.  To this end the following action can be taken:

The Company will not tolerate the consumption of alcohol or use of “recreational” drugs on site and illegal activities involving drugs will be reported to the police; In connection with these activities, the Company expects all employees to present themselves for work, not under the influence of either drugs or alcohol;

It is the responsibility of the Manager / Supervisor to identify any associated behavioural changes which may result from drug or alcohol abuse;

Any employee found to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be immediately sent home and subject to the Company’s disciplinary procedure.


The Company ensures that all of their employees are working in a healthy environment.  We provide a clean workspace with a reasonable working temperature, good ventilation, suitable lighting and the correct amount of space and seating.

Toilets and washbasins, drinking water and a rest area to eat meals is also provided.


The Company recognises that the progressive improvement in health and safety can only be achieved through the constant development of policies, approaches to implementation and techniques of risk control.

The Managing Director, in conjunction with the Health and Safety Consultant, will carry out an annual review of the Company’s overall health and safety performance, identify priorities for future actions, set appropriate objectives and ensure that these decisions for ensuring and promoting health and safety are being implemented as planned. This will include any necessary revisions or amendments to this Health & Safety Policy.

It is the responsibility of the Health & Safety Consultant to keep abreast of all new aspects of Health & Safety matters, where they appertain to the Company’s business, and to review the Company’s procedures in line with such and to make, or recommend, any changes that may be

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